Here at Metricon, Australia’s number one home builder, we believe sliding into a brand-new home is a no-brainer. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Here are some rock-solid reasons why 2023 might well be the perfect year for you to invest in you and your family’s future.
You get exactly what you’ve always wanted
The great thing about Metricon’s extensive range of home designs, honed over 45 years of industry excellence and innovation, is that there’s bound to be a floorplan design that appeals to everyone’s lifestyle, goals and budget considerations. Whether it’s the palatial Highlander, or something a little more compact, we cater for every taste. Our friendly team will make the process as easy as possible, and once you’ve settled on the right home design, you can fine-tune it to your heart’s desire through the Studio M process, packed with exciting options for colours, fixtures and finishes. And the real bonus of achieving your dream? You’ll have a gleaming new home built to exacting standards and protected by Metricon’s lifetime structural guarantee*.

You won’t have to worry about scary surprises
When you opt to build new with a trusted builder like Metricon, you’ll know exactly how much you will need to pay upfront and what your loan repayments will be. Plus, you won’t pay stamp duty on the home, only on the cost of the land. You don’t even need a huge deposit, with HomeSolution by Metricon savings plans available that start from as low as $5k^. All the building materials will be new, as will the appliances in your sparkling kitchen, installed under warranty. It all adds up to a great idea, whereas if you opt to buy old or extensively renovate, you could uncover a world of unexpected pain lurking behind the walls and under the floorboards that might blow your budget sky high. Also look out for government incentives that could help you move into your dream home.

Chances are your new home will be lower maintenance + maximum enjoyment
Because all the materials, fixtures and fittings are brand spanking new when you opt to build new, chances are that’s going to mean you don’t have to put the hard yards in. If you buy established real estate, chances are you’ll be building up a sweat getting it in tip-top shape, instead of letting professional builders do all the heavy lifting for you. We’ll share plenty of expert advice on how best to design your new home layout for the block that you select, so that it flows well, makes the most of the orientation, and takes advantage of any available outdoor space - creating a bright and inviting place to lay your hat.

A well-designed home could help bring down your utility bills
One of the benefits of building new with a trusted company like Metricon is that we care about our legacy and the sustainability of the homes we build. We’ve put a lot of thought into our energy-efficient designs, using only the best building materials and sub-contractors. That means your brand-new home will most likely be a significant improvement on an existing property when it comes to keeping out drafts, with improved insulation that will keep your home warmer in winter and cooler in summer. It’s also much easier to install solar panels at the build stage, if that’s the way you want to go. And with new building codes coming in May 2023, you can rest assured that all new builds will be great on the green front.
New communities grow stronger together
Another brilliant aspect about building new with a company like Metricon is that we’re forging well-thought-out communities that are custom designed to help you love where you live. Our planners put a lot of time and effort into picking the right spots so that these new communities will grow strong in spots that allow easy access to urban centres, but plenty of personal space and room to grow. You’ll be building your dream home to your specifications around new neighbours who have been on the same adventure, so you’ll have plenty to bond over.

So what are you waiting for? Why not make 2023 the year that all your dreams come true and build a brand new home for you and your family?
You can find out more about the benefits of building a new home here, and by listening to our podcast series here. Or contact one of our expert team on 1300 786 773 or contact us here.
*For more information on our Lifetime Structural Guarantee visit
^Find out more about our HomeSolution by Metricon low deposit offer here.